Quality Certifications
It is essential for a company to offer its customers reliability, security, and guarantee of the services offered. This need is accompanied by an increasingly marked tendency of customers to be more informed, aware, and demanding in their requests.
The capacity of a Company is expressed in meeting the requests or expectations expressed by all the interested parties involved, such as customers, trade associations, regulatory bodies, and any other party involved in business processes.
For this reason, Perrella Noleggio Bus Turistici has equipped itself with all the certifications that guarantee greater functionality of its Company and an excellent level of service offered to its customers.

ISO 9001
The ISO 9001 standard Quality management systems – Requirements defines the requirements of a quality management system for an organization. The expressed requirements are general in nature and can be implemented by any type of organization; last revision in September 2015 (ISO 9001:2015).
ISO 45001
The ISO 45001 standard "Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use" in Italian "Sistemi di gestione per la salute e sicurezza sul lavoro – Requisiti e guida per l’uso" is an international standard that specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system (in English: OHS, in Italian SSL) and provides guidance for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injuries and health issues, as well as proactively improving SSL.
ISO 14001
The acronym ISO 14001 identifies a technical standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on environmental management systems (EMS) that sets the requirements for an environmental management system of any organization. It is part of the series of standards developed by the technical committee (TC) ISO/TC 207. This standard can be used for certification, for self-declaration, or simply as a guideline to establish, implement, and improve an environmental management system.
ISO 39001
The acronym ISO 39001 "Traffic Safety Management Systems" identifies a management standard for reducing road risk for any organization. The scheme can be used for certification, for a self-declaration, or simply as a guideline for planning, implementing, and improving a management system dedicated to road safety. The ISO 39001 standard, published in 2012, is explicitly inspired by the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model, also known as the Deming cycle after its creator William Edwards Deming.